by Elisse White, Logistics Coordinator 2021-2022
Here at Prytanean, we are committed to building a community of strong women and fostering relationships with others. That being said, this quarter proved to be one of our most productive yet! With the world changing, our board elections wrapped up, and one quarter til the start of glorious summer vacation, here at Prytanean stayed committed to making the most of Spring Quarter and started to shift our focus towards the future. Fundraising in Prytanean is a standard practice, and our fundraising chair Sonya Williams took the lead this quarter. We help fundraise over $200 for the Sada Casa CA Partnership to end domestic violence. We also had a raffle in support of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and lucky winners got gift cards to several fantastic online stores. Patrice Delara, our Prytanean Service VP hosted an online zoom meeting and a group of Prytanean members collaborated on a thank you letter to all healthcare workers at the UC Davis Medical Center, who helped tremendously during the pandemic.
Also, our Prytanean President Cayley Chan and Historian Allie Moncada met with alumni and helped plan a Prytanean online alumni meeting. The May 18th Actives and Alumni meeting included both current and alumni Prytanean Members. It was so much fun networking and getting to know our alumni better! Each Pryt had the opportunity to choose which alumni to speak with based on their coinciding careers. The Prytanean members got to ask Alumni for advice as well as listen as they shared their experiences with each other.
Every other week our Social Vice President, Chloe Porath would host online game nights, and Prytanean members had one hour of fun, playing games and getting to know each other. There were also online study sessions as well as a movie night; all of which helped the Prytanean members bond. We certainly did not let social distancing stop us from building connections!
And finally, after all of the hard work and dedication shown during the Spring Quarter, all of the members of Prytanean celebrated our graduating Seniors in a special End of the Quarter Senior Farewell meeting. This meeting took the full effort of our entire board to coordinate, from gifts to memorabilia to online updates, planning Senior Farewell was definitely a task. Prytanean women have a history of excellence, and this quarter was no different. This pandemic has been challenging, but time and time again Prytanean women have proven to be capable of overcoming. As we look to the future summer and fall quarters, we can’t help but get a little excited about what there is to come.