Black Lives Matter
Prytanean stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. We will not be complicit in the injustices that Black people in the U.S. face every day. We realize that we, as an organization, have not done enough to fight these injustices, but we need to start somewhere.
While this is not an exhaustive list of resources, please explore the links below to find out how you can help support the Black Lives Matter movement. Please email if you would like to share additional resources.
Stream to Donate (no money required!)
People to contact
Call or email your congressional representatives to demand change!
Davis Representative: Rep. John Garamendi
(202) 255-1880
House resolutions to ask your representative to support
H.R. 988 - Condemns police brutality
H.R. 1636 - Establishes a commission to make policy recommendations to address social issues affecting Black men and boys
H.R. 4408 - Forbids the use of chokeholds
Other resources
Resources for Racial Trauma at UC Davis
About Financial Literacy in the Black Community from
Racial Profiling by the Police from the Police Brutality Center
Workplace Hair Discrimmination from